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Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Gorontalo, recognized as it three position that is; Hulawa, Dungingi (now Tuladenggi sub-district), which both located is boundary by Bolango river. The third position is between two kampongs that is Biawa'o and Limba B this both kampong is becomes the center birth of Gorontalo city.
At King Botutihe government epoch in 1140, 6 days of Sya'ban month the Center Empire of Gorontalo city had removed from Dungingi to Kuwala that is between the two kampongs. The evacuation was based of the Gorontalo downtown empire, because the Dutch government, starts mastered Gorontalo Port, by sent their officer, and starts to build some buildings to strengthen their position in empire region.
This municipal administration is marked by build Baiturrahim Mosque, and from this mosque, Sultan Botutihe, develop and preserve jointed custom 'Syara' and 'Syara' jointed 'Kitabullah (Al-Qur'an)'. Six days of Sya'ban months in year calculation, on 19 March 1728, thereby, the Gorontalo city age up to 2001 is 273 years old. After getting out of the colonization hand namely since Indonesia had proclaimed the independence in 1945 and there was the government regulation number 11 in 1953, hence Gorontalo city include one part of the autonomous North Sulawesi. Hereinafter with the implementation of the constitution number 29 in1959 about regencies in Sulawesi, hence Gorontalo city area becomes an autonomous area with Gorontalo township status that realized begins on 20 Mays 1960.
Then with the constitution number 18 in 1965 about government fundamental of area, name of Gorontalo township become municipality and the constitution number 22 in 1999 about government area, Gorontalo municipality status become Gorontalo city. With the forming and the declared of Gorontalo province on 16 February 2001, hence Gorontalo city is also declared as provincial capital.This town is properly remembered as the eldest town in Indonesia region east side, the center of Islam expansion; because its custom is jointed 'Syara' is the 19th custom area (Farha Daulima).

Like an old city in Gorontalo Province that build on 19 March 1728 (municipality, 20 Mays 1960) broadly 64, 79 ha and on 0 - 500 m sea level temperature 250 C, make this town as important place in Tomini Bay with Manado with its Bunaken Island in north and Palu with its Togian Island in south side, the location of town with number of residents 200 men which 85 % is Moslem, as strategic purpose. Gorontalo is known "Culture City" which able to be seen through the variety tradition, dance, music, and it legend. The friendly people apply Gorontalo language and Indonesia in their habitually, also famous with souvenir " Krawang Embroidery". Journey to and from Gorontalo is easy: through diffraction land line apply transportation with bus, through sea line can be served two passenger ships like KM TILONGKABILA and direct ferry ship in port Gorontalo, through air line can apply Bouraq and Merpati Airlines to Jalaludin Gorontalo Airlines only 20 minutes from the downtown. And in his own town you can apply the public transportation wherever you go or you also can apply famous traditional gig. Supermarket and market, dispensary, photograph studio, souvenir shop, bank, hotel, travel agent and restaurant offering Bithebiluhuta traditional foods, make the ex town that mastered by Dutch and only 15 minutes to Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park, as fascination tourism objects. Otanaha Fortress as omission object of 14century located in the beautiful lake, and the contour relation of lake and mountain make Gorontalo nature is completely fascination. With the friendly, we greet the visitors.
Otanaha Fortress
Otanaha Fortress is one of omission tourism objects of colonization era in Gorontalo city. This fortress is about 7 km from the downtown.
Limboto Lake
Lake that has special navigation building is located in road boundary between Batudaa district and Gorontalo city. Limboto is a useful lake as irrigation source and as fish recreation place just for that have fishing hobby. Limboto Lake can reach using personal vehicle or common vehicle with traveled about 16 km from Gorontalo city.
Lombongo Warm Pool
Lombong is 40 km from Gorontalo and reachable by public transportation. There's a swimming pool filled with hot springs water and a nearby river with cold water. This pool can reach to apply personal vehicle, with traveled about 10 km from the downtown. In this bath is also available artistry podium.
Ju Panggola Graveyard
"Ju Panggola" graveyard is located in Kota Barat district, Lekobalo sub-district, about 7 km from Gorontalo downtown. This graveyard is located on hill with 50 m height from roadway. From the top of this hill can see Limboto lake which is wide, with more stall water and, from depth of 32 km now remain 5 up to 7 m. "Ju Panggola" graveyard, has visited by a lot of tourists every day, either domestic tourist and foreign tourist, and some of them execute to pray in Ju Panggola Mosque, to request healing from the pain that has suffered.
Baiturrahim Mosque
Baiturrahim Mosque is the old mosque in Gorontalo city area. The mosque build to be concurrent with the development of town Gorontalo, which is new removed from Dungingi to Gorontalo city in 1140 H or 1726 M by King Botutihe. The mosque is build in the center of government empire (Botutihe) such as: Yiladiya (King House), Bantayo Pobuboide (Market Building / Deliberation Hall), Loji (Residency house), Apitaluwu (king security and safety functionary) and Bele Biya / Bele Tolotuhu (empire functionaries houses).
Dulohupa Custom House
This Dulohupa customhouse stay at 500-m2 widths ground and equippeda with flowerbed, and a souvenir building place and there is a gig empire garage building, which also called Talanggeda. Dulohupa Custom house is located in Limba sub-district, Kota Selatan district, Gorontalo City.
Nani Wartabone Monument
Gorontalo features some of the best-preserved colonial houses in Sulawesi. The city's local hero is Nani Wartabone, an anti-Dutch guerilla, and there is a large statue of it dressed like a boy scout in the sports field adjacent to the Hotel Saronde. Nani Wartabone Monument is built in 1987 during Drs. A. Nadjamudin government as Gorontalo governor. This monument stay in front of Gorontalo Province Governor's house on duty. This monument built to remind Gorontalo public historic events on 23 January 1942.
Lahilote Beach
Lahilote Beach is a real interesting tourism object and is properly visited. In this beach there is a sole stone. Lahilote Beach is located in Pohe sub-district, Kota Selatan district, about 6 km from Gorontalo downtown.Tourism object that has a sole stone is located in Lahilote Beach Pohe Sub-district, Kota Selatan District, about 6 km from Gorontalo downtown. Botu mean stone, Liyodu mean sole, thus Botu Liyodu is stone that looks like a sole.
According to legend, this sole stone is a young man sole named Lahilote, because he loves a fairy from fairyland named Boyilode Hulawa, he risking to steal shawl, the fairy wings, but on his household, Lahilote leaved by the princess to return to the fairyland.
For the twice, Lahilote risk to propose Princess Boyilode Hulawa to fairyland with the tip of miraculous cane help called Hutiya Mala. Meeting with his wife, was unique, and confused because the seventh of fairy, had same face and confess entirely named Boyilode Hulawa, so that it was difficult for him to determine who the real Boyilode Hulawa is. Because of firefly help that alighting on his wife bun, Lahilote find the princess. Based on the constitution on fairyland, it is say that whosoever become stripper and hair has grizzled, he must be returned to the world, because fairyland is not place of man who memilikiproses had old.
The princess had discharge her husband Lahilote and put him down by her grizzle hair, which knitted become a string. But between the earths and the sky, that grizzle string was broke, and Lahilote rapidly fall down to the earth in stand position. His right foot falls along Pohe beach Gorontalo city and his left foot was fall to Kwandang beach in Gorontalo regency.
This Lahilote legend hitherto still said by public as folklore for the hereinafter generation. Lahilote beach remain to be tourism object for Gorontalo public and foreign tourist. (Courtesy By Indonesia-Tourism)

Siapa Bilang Museum di Yogya Tidak Menarik?

Di Indonesia wisata museum kurang populer. Namun, di Yogyakarta keberadaan museum mulai dilirik, terutama oleh para pelajar yang berlibur ke kota gudeg itu. Keberadaan museum di provinsi itu kini mulai menjadi alternatif tujuan kunjungan bagi wisatawan. Humas Badan Musyawarah Museum DIY Bambang Widodo di Yogyakarta, Kamis (23/4), mengatakan, hanya saja dari 28 museum di DIY, belum semuanya menjadi tujuan kunjungan wisatawan terutama pelajar. Hanya museum yang namanya sudah dikenal yang menjadi tujuan wisatawan. Misalnya museum Monumen Jogja Kembali (Monjali), museum negeri Sonobudyo dan museum Sri Sultan HB IX yang terletak di dalam keraton Yogyakarta serta museum Beteng Vredeburg. "Kunjungan wisatawan ke museum tersebut cukup menggembirakan, meskipun belum semua museum di DIY menjadi tujuan kunjungan wisatawan. Namun demikian, jika makin banyak museum di daerah ini yang dikunjungi wisatawan akan mengindikasikan bahwa museum juga bisa berfungsi menjadi objek wisata," katanya. Ia mengatakan, untuk meningkatkan kunjungan wisatawan ke museum, khususnya dari kalangan pelajar, pihaknya pernah menyarankan perlunya dibuat peraturan daerah (perda) tentang kewajiban mengunjungi museum bagi kalangan siswa sekolah. "Perda itu sebagai upaya mengoptimalkan fungsi museum di daerah," kata Bambang Widodo. Menurut dia, jika perda tersebut sudah ada maka pihak sekolah bisa mewajibkan siswanya untuk mengunjungi museum sebagai bagian dari pembelajaran karena museum memiliki multifungsi sebagai objek pendidikan, objek wisata, dan rekreasi. Untuk itu, Dinas Pendidikan setempat perlu memberi dorongan agar pemkab/pemkot di DIY segera membuat perda wajib kunjung museum. Mengenal sejarah bangsaIa mengatakan bahwa peran museum sangat strategis untuk membantu generasi muda, khususnya siswa sekolah agar bisa mempelajari sejarah maupun asal muasal bangsa dan perjuangannya. Dengan demikian, mereka tidak hanya memperoleh pengetahuan tentang bangsanya melalui teori dalam pelajaran di sekolah. Tapi juga bisa melihat langsung benda peninggalan sejarah yang menjadi koleksi museum, sehingga siswa bisa mengapresiasikannya. "Museum menjadi bagian dari wisata pendidikan sehingga perlu promosi gencar mengenai keberadaan dan potensi museum di DIY yang banyak ragamnya," kata Bambang Widodo. Sementara itu, Ketua Yayasan Widya Budaya Yogyakarta Widi Utaminingsih mengatakan DIY memiliki potensi sebagai daerah tujuan wisata pendidikan sehingga kegiatan studi wisata pelajar yang sudah seperti keharusan dari program sekolah, dapat diarahkan untuk mengunjungi daerah ini. "Provinsi DIY, setiap musim libur sekolah seperti sekarang ini ’dibanjiri’ ratusan ribu pelajar dari berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. Mereka tertarik berkunjung ke daerah ini karena pertimbangan potensi objek wisata pendidikan yang dimiliki cukup besar," katanya. Menurut dia, DIY memiliki banyak perguruan tinggi terkenal dan dikenal sebagai daerah tujuan pendidikan. Misalnya Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) maupun Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) bisa menjadi objek wisata menarik untuk dikunjungi siswa sekolah. (Courtesy By Kompas/Antara)

Saat Pak Dubes Keliling Solo

Duta Besar Amerika Serikat untuk Indonesia Cameron R Hume mengunjungi Kota Solo, Minggu (26/4). Cameron mengunjungi banyak tempat, antara lain obyek-obyek wisata di Solo dan sekitarnya. Ia berjalan-jalan tanpa pengawalan khusus, hanya tampak Deputi Political Counsellor Kedubes AS Stanley Harsha dan istri yang mendampinginya selain Wali Kota Solo Joko Widodo dan sedikit staf.
"Saya datang ke Solo untuk belajar lebih banyak tentang kota ini. Solo terkenal akan budaya dan keindahan alam sekitarnya. Saya merasa nyaman di sini dan menghabiskan waktu luar biasa dan sangat menyenangkan," kata Cameron saat ditemui di Museum Batik Kuno Wuryaningratan.
Menurut Cameron, negaranya telah mencabut larangan berkunjung ke Indonesia. Dari waktu ke waktu, tingkat kunjungan warga negara AS semakin meningkat. Dikatakannya, untuk bisa meningkatkan tingkat kunjungan ke sebuah negara harus ada upaya untuk menarik perhatian masyarakat dunia. Ia berharap rencana Presiden AS Barack Husein Obama datang ke Indonesia jadi terlaksana. Pada saat itu, pesan bahwa Indonesia aman dan nyaman untuk dikunjungi akan sampai pada masyarakat dunia.
"Saya harap Presiden Obama jadi datang ke Indonesia karena pada saat itulah orang akan melihat Indonesia adalah negara yang indah dan mengagumkan. Di situ lah pesan bahwa Indonesia negara yang aman dan nyaman akan sampai. Itu yang bisa kami lakukan untuk mendukung Indonesia," kata Cameron.
Cameron yang tiba di Solo sejak hari Jumat lalu sempat mengunjungi obyek wisata alam Tawangmangu yang berada di Kabupaten Karanganyar. Ia juga sempat berkunjung ke Candi Cetho dan Candi Sukuh. Di Kota Solo, selain mengunjungi Museum Batik Kuno, Cameron juga mengunjungi Kampung Batik Kauman, Pura Mangkunegaran, Monumen 45 Banjarsari, Pasar Klithikan Notoharjo, Pasar Gading, Night Market Ngarsapura, pusat jajan kuliner Galabo, serta menyaksikan pagelaran wayang orang di Taman Sriwedari, penataan rumah kumuh di Kratonan, dan percontohan sanitasi pemukiman kumuh di Serengan.
Cameron akan meninggalkan Solo hari Senin. Kedatangannya menurutnya, tidak ada kaitannya dengan politik. Ia menyatakan kekagumannya pada batik dan orang-orang setempat yang tetap menjaga budaya tradisionalnya.
Wali Kota Solo Joko Widodo mengatakan, kedatangan Cameron atas undangan pihaknya. Kota Solo yang pernah mendapat stigma sebagai sarang teroris dan bersumbu pendek punya harapan citra negatif itu berubah. Setelah ini, delegasi Kota Solo yang terdiri dari mahasiswa, pesantren, dan birokrasi akan ganti berkunjung ke AS.
"Beliau datang atas undangan lisan kami beberapa waktu lalu. Beliau menyatakan comfortable berada di Solo. Berjalan-jalan ke mana-mana tanpa pengawalan khusus. Itu tanda bahwa Solo aman," kata Joko Widodo. (Courtesy By Kompas/Antara)

Menanti Kereta Api Uap di Solo

Jalur kereta api dari Stasiun Purwosari Solo menuju Stasiun Kota Sangkrah Solo, sepanjang sekitar enam kilo meter kini akan dihidupkan kembali dengan dilayani oleh kereta api uap untuk kegiatan pariwisata. "Jadi nanti untuk jalur kereta api yang berada di pinggir jalan Slamet Riyadi Solo, akan dilayani kereta api uap buatan Jerman tahun 1902, yang menggunakan bahan bakar kayu," kata Walikota Surakarta Joko Widodo saat meninjau lokomotif di Museum Kereta Api Ambarawa, Senin (20/4). Kereta api wisata yang akan dioperasikan pada Juni 2009 di jalur tersebut, tidak hanya lokomotifnya saja yang kuno tetapi juga termasuk gerbongnya. "Lokomotifnya buatan Jerman tahun 1902, diambilkan dari Museum Palagan Ambarawa, sementara gerbongnya dari Magelang dan Bandung, yang semuanya saat ini kondisinya masih baik dan secepatnya akan dilakukan rehabilitasi," katanya. Mengenai investasi untuk menghidupkan kereta api kuno tersebut, Joko Widodo mengatakan pihaknya telah menganggarkan dana lewat APBD Tahun 2009 sebesar Rp 1,1 miliar. "Untuk menghidupkan kereta api kuno tersebut nanti akan dilakukan kerjasama dengan PT KAI, dan biro-biro perjalanan yang akan memasarkan," katanya. Pengoperasian kembali kereta api pariwisata ini dimaksudkan untuk mengangkat kembali citra kota Solo, dalam rangka pengembangan pariwisata, yang sekaligus juga meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat. "Saya yakin ini akan bisa jalan baik kalau pengelolaannya benar," katanya. Kepala Daop VI PT KAI Yogyakarta Yayat Rustiandi, mengatakan untuk jalur kereta api dari Stasiun Purwosari-Stasiun Kota Solo, Sukoharjo dan Wonogiri, sebenarnya sampai saat ini masih jalan yaitu dilayani kereta api ekonomi yang sehari hanya sekali. Untuk meningkatkan pelayanan mulai tahun 2009 rel kereta api dari Solo sampai Wonogiri akan dibangun atau diperbaiki, agar pelayanan kereta api di jurusan tersebut bisa maksimal. (Courtesy By Kompas/Antara)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Jambi The Ancient Kingdom of Melayu

JAMBI province is located on the east coast of Central Sumatra faces to Melaka Straits sharing borders with four other provinces in Sumatra and has long a melting pot for different ethnic groups. The earliest inhabitants were the Kubus, who were among the first wave of Malays to migrate to Sumatra. The ancient kingdom of Melayu developed and grew in Jambi and maintained relations with the mighty kingdoms of Sriwijaya, Majapahit and Singasari, but was eventually attacked and annexed by Sriwijaya in the middle of the 17th century. Encompassing an area of 53,435 sq km, almost 60% of which is forest, the province is home to a large variety of fauna and flora and an exhilarating place for active and adventurous visitors.One of the greatest kingdoms in Indonesia history, the Buddhist Empire of Sriwijaya, prospered and grew along the Musi River bank in South Sumatra over a thousand years ago. Located in the southern-most rim of the South China Sea, close to one of the world's busiest shipping lanes linking the Far East With Europe, the region's historical background is rich and colorful. Sriwijaya Kingdom practiced a bustling and lucrative trade with ancient China its era of powerful dynasties and in Tsing recorded that a thousand monks and scholars could be seen translating and studying Sanskrit in what is now become a regional capital of Palembang. However, few relics of this memorable era remain. Stretching from the foothills of the mighty Bukit Barisan mountain range in the West Sumatra to Bangka and Belitung Island in the East, South Sumatra province is relatively flat but very fertile, with numerous rivers cutting across the landscape and meandering their way to the sea. Coffee and tea are grown in plantations in various parts of the province but the area's enormous wealth comes from oil, natural gas, coal, tin and quartz.
Palembang is still the gateway to the province, and together with Pangkal Pinang on Bangka Island and Tanjung Pandan on Belitung, provides the region with three major airports. All three cities have direct connections with Medan, Batam, Padang and Jakarta and the future will see the introduction of flights to Singapore. Air-conditioned buses from north and west points of Palembang are also regularly available, as well as the major cities in Java and Bali.

Mount Kerinci
A climb to the top of Mount Kerinci or one of many other volcanoes shows an important and remarkable change in vegetation; lower trees, which are covered in mush and sub-alpine meadows and swamps at the top, gradually replace high trees. A remarkable flower on higher altitudes is the Javanese edelweiss Anaphalis javanica, which only grows on volcanoes. This flower usually reaches four meters in height and is colored white-green because of its small hairs; the flowers are yellow with white. The peak of the volcano itself is bald, because of the last eruption in 1934. The park also houses the biggest flowers in the world, the monstrous, flesh red flower of the parasite Rafflesia arnoldi and the two-meters-high flower-flames of Amorphophallus titanum.

Mount Tujug and Kerinci Lake
Mount Tujug is a 10 sq km big crater lake about 50 kilometers north of Penuh River. It's on 1966 meters and it's called the highest sweet water lake in Southeastern Asia. The environment offers simple accommodations, from where people can book a day trip to the lake.
Another, easy to reach lake is Kerinci Lake, surrounded by mountains, 783 meters above sea level and 42 sq km big. It's a good plan for a day trip. Both lakes and the surrounding rainforest are good places to enjoy the fauna of the park.

Kerinci Seblat National Park
In this national park, live up to 129 species of birds, 36 mammalians with 24 protected 10 species of reptiles, 6 species of amphibians, and 8 species of primates. There are also 4000 floras dominated by family of Dipterocarpaceae. Some of these are highly endangered, especially the animals like Sumatera Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatraensis), Wild Mountain Goat (Capricornis sumatraensis), Sumatran Tiger (Panthera tigris sumatraensis), Sumatran Elephant (Elephanus maximus sumatranus), Dead Flower (Amorphophallus titanum) and Rafflesia Flower (Rafflesia arnoldi).

Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park
Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park is a 143,143 hectares area on the low land area of eastern Sumatra, included into two provinces, Riau and Jambi. Ecologically, this area is classified as low land tropical rainforest, with some intra ecosystem inside like swamp and highland. Some of endangered species are highly protected here like Dead flower (rafflesia hasseltii and rafflesia arnoldi), amorphophallus SP, and some endangered animals like Sumatran tiger (panthera tigris sumatraensis), tapir (tapirus indicus), primates like Siamang (symphalangus syndactylus), Ungko (hylobates sp), birds (bocerotidae and argusianus argus). This area is also interesting in its natural features of its geology, like the 30 Mountains intrusive complex, folded tertiary sediments, and some offer science breakthrough. Old tribes, which characterized most of Central Sumatra forest, is also one uniqueness you will find inside this park like Talang Mamak tribe.
Muara Jambi
The old harbor area with it's candi and menapo (masonry temples and channels) is over 1,500 hectares and is about 26 kilometers downstream from the modern capital on the other (northern) shore of the river. This biggest archeological complex of Sumatra, with a small but very interesting museum, can be reached from Jambi by waterbus or chartered speedboat. The full size of the location and the connected river villages is not known yet. The restoration of the three most important structures (Tinggi Temple, Gumpung Temple and Kedaton Temple, the last with a core of unusual small river stones) has been completed. Under the findings in Muara Jambi is an exceptional nice Prajnaparamita statue, without head, comparable with the one in the National Museum in Jakarta from the beginning of the 13th century. Under the pressure of the ever-closing agriculture the excavations and restorations continue in a race against time. Probably Muara Jambi was attacked and destroyed around 1377. Following a legend the last ruler of Jambi, prince Telanai, got the prediction that his son would cast bad luck over his principality. Big fear got him, and when his son was eventually born, he was put in a coffin with a letter, and thrown into the sea. The coffin washed ashore in Siam, where the former ruler adopted the Sumatran prince. Eventually the young prince returned to Jambi with a big army from Siam, killed his father and looted the city.
Whether this story is true can be doubted, but fact is that Jambi was the location of the findings of Siamese bronze Buddha statues. Above all excavations in Jambi Estuary showed a piece of a Sukhothai Buddha stone, which originated from the current Thailand as well.
Berbak National Park
Berbak National Park is a national park area on the eastern coastline of Central Sumatra included in Ramsar Convention for international wetland conservation. In 1992, the minister of Forestry, Republic of Indonesia following the original 1935 by Dutch colonial, officially states this area as National Park. Berbak National Park is a national park area on the eastern coastline of Central Sumatra included in Ramsar Convention for international wetland conservation. By canoeing through the swamp river canal, we can enjoy the undisturbed wildlife on the riverside and canopies. We have two exotic areas in this park that are Air Hitam Dalam, typical freshwater swamp and floodplain, with wetland ecosystem and Air Hitam Laut and Cemara River where typical coastline and saltwater swamp and marsh is dominating the area. Up to 300 species of birds are living peacefully inside the park. Some exotic birds like, Wild duck (cairina scutulata), and all species of Raja Udang (alcenedenidae), and also 9 species of Rangkong (Bocerotidae). Migrant birds up to thousands, which reside off their Siberian - Australian journey, especially during October - March season, really amaze any human being, as we will find them blackening the coast horizons. Primates also dominate the canopies during our canoe traverse. The more challenging wildlife to observe may lie deep underwater below your canoe. We can observe 2 species of crocodile, that is saltwater crocodile (crocodiles porous) and freshwater crocodile (tomistoma schegelii). Turtle’s family also dominates the swamp area. Big mammalian like Sumatran tiger (panthera tigris sumatraensis), Black bear (Helartos malayanus) may occasionally show up in front of your canoe. It may be special for the tiger, will require some patience from you and may be a good stamina to traverse into the center of the park on foot.
Trekking in Kerinci - Seblat
Especially long trips through the park need a guide. Local guides can be hired in Kersik Tuo village at the foot of Mount Kerinci. Eco-Rural Travel office can also be found here, it's a company, which sell good maps, hires camping gear and organized trips for several days. It's sponsored by the WNF. Mount Kerinci, or Mount Inderapura, can be reached with most vehicles. The popular climb to the top of Kerinci takes two days. (Courtesy By Indonesia-Tourism)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

East Nusa Tenggara

East Nusa Tenggara Islands have been shaped by the power and force of an enormous chain of mountains and volcanoes, which begins from the North of Sumatra and stretches east across Java. The province consists of over 550 islands, but is dominated by the three main islands of Flores, Sumba, and Timor. Occupying a unique position at the junction of Australian and Asian submarine ridges marked by the Wallace Line, it is one the world's most dynamic and exotic marine environments with nearly every species of coral and tropical fish represented. The arid landscape of eastern and southeastern Nusa Tenggara is the result of hot, dry winds blasting in from the Australian continent. In fact, in many coastal areas not a drop of rain falls during most of the year.
Flores is a Portuguese name, which means 'flower' and ideally describes the beauty to be found here. This long island between Sumbawa and Timor is crowded with volcanoes and mountains dividing it into several distinct regions with individual languages and traditions. Predominantly Catholic and heavily influenced by the Portuguese, there are many examples of a strong European cultural heritage like eastern procession held in Larantuka, and the royal regalia of the former king in Maumere.
Formerly known as the Sandalwood Island, Sumba is now famous for its horses and an excellent style of ikat cloth. Spirits, both ancestral and natural are worshipped. Although some exist in East Sumba, it is in West Sumba that there are a number of enormous megalithic tombs and traditional thatched and peaked huts raised on stilts. It is here where incredible rituals take place, such as 'Pasola' where hundreds of horsemen fling spreads at each other in an annual ritual. Many traditional ceremonies, all with a component paying homage to the spirits, take place from July to October including the traditional houses and burials when sometimes hundreds of pigs, water buffaloes, horses, and dogs are scarified. Other ceremonies include 'Pajura' or traditional boxing, festivals for the Lunar New Year in October and November, horse races and ritual dances.
Kupang City
As the capital of East Nusa Tenggara, the transport and administrative links from Kupang with isolated islands are extensive. The location was an important port and trading point during the Portuguese and Dutch colonial eras. There are ruins and remnant signs of the colonial presence in the city. The city was an important landing and refueling place for early long distance airplane flights between Europe and Australia in the early twentieth century. It was an important location during the conflict in East Timor, for the Indonesian military, as well as the militias. The camps around Kupang were also of significant impact on the city.
Komodo Island
A small island of 280 square km, Komodo is located between Sumbawa and Flores islands. It is famous for its giant lizards, considered the last of their kind remaining in the world today, the Komodo dragon. Called "ora" by the local people, Komodo "Dragon" (Varanus Komodoensis) is actually a giant monitor lizard. Growing up to 3 to 4 meters in length, its ancestors roamed the earth up to about half a million years ago. Komodo live on goats, deer, and even the carcasses of its own kind. The only human population on the island is at the fishing village called Komodo who supplement their income-breeding goats, which are used to feed the lizards. The Komodo had protected by the law and although they are considered harmless, it is advisable to keep them at a distance. Komodo Island is now a nature reserve, home to a number of rare bird species, deer, and wild pigs, which are prey to the lizards as well.To see the lizards in the daytime, baits have to be set in the hinterland where local guides are necessary. The sea surrounding the island offers vistas of sea life, crystal clear waters, and white sandy beaches. The only accommodation available is in simple guesthouses in the fishing village. It is advisable to carry food supplies. The best time to visit the island is between March and June, and between October and December. Komodo is accessible from the sea only. Fly to Labuan Bajo, from where it is about 3-4 hours by boat to the island.
Flores Island
Flores, a long island located between Sumbawa and Timor, is strewn with volcanoes in a mountain chain dividing it into several regions with distinctive languages and traditions, scenic beauty, good beaches, and natural wonders. The name is Portuguese for "flower", as the Portuguese were the first Europeans to colonize East Nusa Tenggara.
Occupying a unique position at the junction of the Australian and Asian submarine ridges, between the two distinct fauna regions marked by the Wallace Line, here is one of the world's most dynamic marine environments with nearly every species of coral and tropical fish represented. Predominantly Catholic, there are several examples of its Portuguese cultural heritage like the Easter Procession held in Larantuka, and the royal regalia of the former king in Maumere.
Among the prehistoric inhabitants of the island were small-proportioned humans (classified as Homo floresiensis in 2004) that may have evolved from Homo erectus and lived on Flores as recently as 13,000 years ago. Some scientists, however, believe that remains are those of micro cephalic modern humans who also suffered from dwarfism. Much later under the rule of Sulawesi princes, Flores came under Dutch influence c.1618. The Dutch gradually gained control of the island, although Portugal held the eastern end until 1851 and the natives were not completely subjugated until 1907.
Flores is one of the Lesser Sunda Islands, an Island arc with an estimated area of 14,300-km_ extending east from Java island of Indonesia. The largest town is Maumere. Flores is located east of Sumbawa and Komodo and west of Lembata and Alor archipelago. To the southeast is Timor. To the south, across the Sumba strait, is Sumba and to the north, beyond Flores Sea, is Sulawesi.
The west coast of Flores is one of the few places, aside from the island of Komodo itself, where the Komodo dragon can be found in the wild. The Flores giant rat is also endemic to the Island. In September 2004, at Liang Bua Cave in western Flores, Paleoanthropologist discovered skeletons of a previously unknown hominid species. Homo floresiensis, affectionately termed hobbits after the small characters in the Lord of the Rings, appear to be miniaturized versions of Homo erectus standing about one meter tall. They may have existed until as recently as 11.000 BC. Local reports of elf people, the Ebu Gogo, or the Orang Pendek of Sumatra, have caused speculation that Flores man may have survived into the historical period, or even to the present. The discovery has been published in the October 28, 2004, issue of Nature magazine. Flores was also a habitat of the extinct Stegodon dwarf elephant until approximately 18,000 years ago.
Sumba Island
Sumba, formerly known as the Sandalwood Island, is known foe its horses and Sumba clothe. Sandalwood was the only known cure for many diseases until penicillin was invented. The Sumbanese traded with the Chinese until the 16th century, after which the Arabs became the most important trading partner until the early 20th century. The island is famous for its arts and handicrafts, particularly the textile "ikat" weaving. Sumba, however, is not for everyone. Neither the food nor accommodations are up to international standards. But if we are willing to make a little effort we can see an authentic, ancient culture with none of the layers of Hinduism or Islam mostly found elsewhere in the country.
The island has a small population and a dry tropical climate. In total Sumba have more hours of sunshine than any other place in Indonesia. The land resembles Southern Africa or Australia, with scattered small villages and herds of cattle and buffalo Sumba is off the beaten track. Transport system and roads are infrequently used. Most hotels in main towns are simple, only catering for the adventurous. However, CNN etc. are available for those wishing to stay in touch with the outside world. Beaches are long and clean. Water is clear and abundant in fish, and there is great surf.
The island is roughly oval in shape. The greatest concentration of those who worship sprits (ancestral and those of the land) is found in West Sumba where two-thirds of the population holds on their traditional belief. It is here where incredible rituals take place, the "pasola" where hundreds of horsemen fling spears at each other. The government allows the ritual to take place, but the spears must be blunt. Although some exist in East Sumba, it is in West Sumba that one can find a greater number of huge megalithic tombs and traditional thatched and peaked huts raise on stilts.
Many traditional activities, all with a part paying homage to the spirits, take place in the month of July through October. These include the building of "adapt" houses and burials when sometimes hundreds of pigs, water buffaloes, horses, and dogs are sacrificed. Other ceremonies include the "pajura" or traditional boxing, the festivals for lunar New Year in October and November, and August 17, Independence Day, horse races and ritual dances.
West Timor
West Timor is the principal island in terms of population where the capital of the province, Kupang, is located. Kupang is now being developed to be the gate- way to Nusa Tenggara. There are direct flights from /to Darwin-Australia. West Timor is rich in various cultures, beautiful sceneries, and a wonderful nature. Made up of dry, rocky land, isolated communities, rolling cattle land, a variety of styles of architecture, Timor is basically something that possesses its own original characteristics.
Rote Island, the southernmost island of Indonesia, is just to the southwest of West Timor. Three native languages belonging of Carbonic Stock of the Austronesian group of languages are spoken in West Timor, the others in East Timor. These languages are Ndaonese, Rotinese, and Helong.
Rote Island
Rote Island is a part of Kupang Regency and is the southernmost island of Indonesia. It is located in the west coast of Kupang. This exotic island can be reached only in four hours. From Kupang by inter-island ferry to dive and tour this untouched beautifully rugged land. Spectacular walls and caverns mirror the hills, valleys, and escarpments underwater. The marine life is so varied and profuse that is hard to believe from Fire-fish to Mantas. The architecture of Rote is unique, as is their exquisite ikat weaving. See the people is their traditional lifestyle, which has remained unchanged for centuries.
Rote has many historical relies including fine antique Chinese porcelains, as well as ancient arts and traditions. Many prominent Indonesia nationalist leaders were born here. A popular music instrument Sasando, which is made of palm leaves. According to legend, this island got its name accidentally when a lost Portuguese sailor arrived and asked a farmer where he was. The surprised farmer, who could not speaking Portuguese, introduced himself, "Rote".Rote just off the southern tip of Timor Island consists of rolling hills, terraced plantations, and acacia palm, savanna and some forests.The rotinese depend, like the Savunese, on lontar palm for basic survival, but also as the supplement their income with fishing and jewelry making.
Before Indonesia's Independence, Rote, boasted the highest density of kingdom in the East Indies. Even today the island, the Rotenese and their kingdoms are divided, following ancient tradition, into two domains, one known as Sunrise and one as Sunset. A “male” Lord, a “female” Lord and several advisers, representing the clans within that domain, rules the domain. Each clan that possesses ceremonial rights performs it's own rituals during the annual HUS celebration, a traditional New Year festival. At the HUS, Rotenese men wearing their unique hats make offerings to the clan ancestors and the women dance accompanied by sasando, The Rotenese guitar.
Rote is particularly well know for its surfing, each year surfers flock to Namberala to ride the near perfect tubes formed by the shallow reefs and off-shore winds. Accommodation in Namberala includes a traditional beachfront bungalow resort and several home stays. The beach itself is one of the best examples of a palm fringed pure white sandy beach to be found anywhere. Diving in the area is also exceptional due to the large numbers of Manta and Dugong seen there. A boat trip to nearby Dana or Ndao Islands is also recommended.
Alor and Lembata Island
Alor Island regency
Is the least visited and therefore the most unspoiled region of Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Trek to the rim of a volcano on Pantar or dive the straits of Alor and Pantar in a dive destination rated by all to be amongst the best in the world. Ponder on the existence of the Moko drums, which are not found in large numbers anywhere else in Indonesia and can be traced back to the Dongson period in Vietnam around 350 BC and you start to realize that Alor is truly a land lost in time.
Alor diving is known as the best in the world With its smoldering Volcanoes reaching down into crystal clear waters fringed with pristine coral reefs, coconut fringed pure white sandy beaches and traditional villages built half way up mountains, the scenery is as spectacular above as it is below the waterline. Alor Island is so mountainous that it is almost impossible to pass from one side to the other and many of the villages on the island itself can only transport themselves via small wooden ferries. The eight distinct dialects and more than 50 sub-dialects spoken today, testifies to the diversity on Alor.
Alor traditional culture has been influenced over the ages by the Indian, Chinese and Javanese traders as well as by the Islamic and Christian religions. This can be seen in the silk thread woven into the original weavings and the mix of Mosques and Christian churches dotted throughout the Island. The traditional dances, Ikat weavings motifs and the varies architectural style greatly from area to area. With more than a dozen traditional villages within one hours drive from the capital Kalabahi - Alor is a cultural tourists heaven.
Lembata Island
Is known throughout the world as the home of traditional whaling but what is not known is that the people of this Island are especially rich in cultural tradition. The beautiful rich Ikat weavings are entirely made from homegrown cotton, spun and dyed by the weaver. These cloths are still important as they are exchanged during marriage for Ivory tusks between the two families. The scenery throughout the Island is breathtaking, from the ever-imposing "Ile Ape" volcano of the palm fringed bays to the colorful bustling local markets - beauty and excitement are everywhere.
Lamalera village
Located on the southern tip of Lembata Island is the home of a traditional whale hunting community. Here, Sperm Whales have been hunted for centuries using all hand made equipment; their spears, rope and boats are all made in the village. The boats are without motors and the harpooner must jump from the boat to implant his harpoon in to the whale to ensure success. All parts of the whale are either consumed or traded with other Islanders for corn or other food. While whale hunting is not generally condoned by modern societies, when consider the ancestral links, the primitive equipment used and the importance to the people of Lamalera it is understandable that this traditional hunting has been sanctioned by the United Nations.
Savu Island
Savu is dry for large parts of the year, due to hot winds blowing from the Australian continent. Most rain falls during the months from November to March. Between 82% & 94% of all rainfalls during the west monsoon, with little or no rain falling for the months of August to October. The mean annual rainfall for Savu Island is 1019 mm. During the dry season, the islands' streams dry up, so the islanders depend on wells for their water supply. The land is covered for the most part by grassland and palms. Coral reef and sandy beaches fringe the three islands.
Namata is located in Western Savu. Namata is a traditional village where the ritual ceremonies are frequently held. There are megalithic stones and traditional houses. It is located in the Rai Lolo village, 3 km from the capital city of Heb'a (Seba) in western Savu district. There is a stone carving of a four mast tall ship. Though the writing beneath has faded, villagers say the Portuguese drew it in 1684.
Rai Jua Island
Kolo Uju
(Udju) is a village where ritual ceremonies are held. It is located in Lede Unu of Rai Jua District.
Maja well is located in Lede Unu village of Rai Jua district. It is located about 5 km from the subdistrict capital. The well is an archeological remnant of Majapahit Kingdom.
Rai Jua Beach is located I km from the main town. It is a white sandy beach for snorkeling and swimming.
Dana Island
Dana is also called Nieuw Eiland and Hokki, the latter not known to the local people. Dana is a small, uninhabited island, situated thirty kilometers Southwest of Rai Jua. The rocky, south side of the island is exposed to deep ocean swells originating in the Southern Ocean, five thousands kilometers away. Sheep and goats are to be seen on the island. However, Savu and Rai Jua people do not go to Dana, except for the annual ritual ceremony. According to Savunese tradition, no one is allowed to visit Dana for any other purpose.
Savunese believe that when they die, their spirit reside on Dana. They also believe that it is important to respect the space of others in order to maintain harmony in life. Since Dana is considered to be the space for the spirit of their love ones who passed away, it is considered disrespectful for westerners to visit the island. However, cruise ships and surf charters regularly visit Dana, without consultation with the Rai Jua elders, who are responsible for preserving the tradition. (Courtesy By Indonesia-Tourism)

East Java

East Java is one of Indonesia provinces. It is located on the eastern part of Java Island and also includes Madura and Bawean islands. It state in the West neighbor of Bali, across the small Strait of Bali. East Java has a variety of attractions, from temple sites to scenic beaches, a sand-sea, highland-lakes, volcanoes, marine gardens and wildlife reserves. Magnificent mountain scenery include the crater and sea of sand at Mount Bromo, the "sulfur mountain" Welirang and rugged lien Plateau. Little of the former glory of Majapahit Empire, still stands in East Java to day with the exception of temple ruins and some archaeological discoveries. East Java's claim to fame in modern history is its vanguard role in the struggle for independence against colonial forces in 1945.
The administrative center of the province is located in Surabaya, the second largest city in Indonesia and a major industrial center and port. Its capital, Surabaya is second to Jakarta in size, population and commerce. East Java is also the most industrialized province in the nation. Its economy is based on agriculture, fishery, oil industries, coffee, mangoes and apples. Connected with the rest of Java by good motor roads and train services, there are also air services between Surabaya and other major cities in the country including Bali which is only half an hour's flight a way. It is also easily accessible by road and regular ferry from Bali and Java. Madura Island, famous for its bull races, is part of the province of East Java, though it has its own traditions and language. Fossilized remains of prehistoric animals and the site of the Java man at Trinil, Ngawi, will tantalize the archaeologist, as well as numerous temple ruins dating from the 7th century AD.
Cultural Attractions of East Java
Angklung: An ensemble of bamboo instruments quite popular in Banyuwangi.
Gandrung Dance: A classical dance dedicated to Dewi Sri, the goddess of rice. Popular in Banyuwangi as well.
Bull Race (Karapan Sapi): a regular attraction at the stadium of Pamekasan, Madura.
Labuhan Sesaji: a thanksgiving ceremony held by fishermen of Muncar, Banyuwangi, and Suro.
Reyog Trance Dance: traditional Ponorogo dance with 15 dancers wearing peacock-feather headdresses and tiger mask.
Tayub Dance: a popular social dance from Nganjuk, 120 km southwest of Surabaya. This dance is usually performed at wedding parties or other celebratory gatherings where the dancers use their scarfs to invite guests to join them.
Interesting Place:
Jatim (East Java) Park
East Java Park may have said as tourism object that different in East Java province, because besides offering to tourist to have recreation and for learnt, because we will get new knowledge besides entertainment amusement. This thing can be seen from various facilities being provided by East Java Park, there are at least 36 kinds of facilities which able to be enjoyed visitor. Before enjoying all supporting facilities for entertainment amusement, at the time of beginning of location admission will give scenery of 'Galeri Nusantara'. Then stepped into 'Taman Sejarah' is a containing miniature temple in East Java like Sumberawan temple (Singosari- Malang regency), customhouse Kiai Hasan Besari Ponorogo and Sumberawan Statue.
Balekambang Beach
The beach possessing three isles with a distance of about one hundred meters each, two of which have been connected with one meter-wide bridge to the shore, Balekambang offers a different atmosphere of beach resorts in the Southern part of Malang. One of the three isles called Ismoyo isle has a Hindu temple, established by local Hinduists
Coban Rondo Waterfall
PujonA beautiful water fall on the slope of Mount Panderman resort that is about 32 km to the west from Malang, it is very interesting to see and visit.
Agro Tourism Wonosari
Tea Plantation, LawangThis plantation pleasure gives a special and peaceful impression, beautiful panorama of tea plantation.
Bromo - Tengger - Semeru National Park
This National Park is one of the most beautiful places of interest in East Java. The beauties of mountain covered, give a special and characteristic green plants, arousing great interest. Tenggerese traditional farming a/so makes this famous place being more interesting and attractive. In addition, coo/ and breezy wind a/ways blows freshly giving ever visitor special deep impression a unforgettable memories
Teleng Ria Beach

This coast face to Pantai Selatan with extent of white sand along the length of approximately 3 Kms. Distance from Capital of regency to location only 3,5 Kms, and earn is easily reached with various vehicle.
Srau Beach
Srau Coast reside in district region of Pringkuku, Regency Pacitan, which jaraknyaa approximately 25 Kms towards town west Pacitan earn passed by with common vehicle and person. White sandy coast this hardly suited for activity of fishing rod arena samodra.
Goa Gong (Gong Cave)

Goa with stalagtit and stalagmite that is is it is said respected Asian selenium South-east have depth of approximately 256 m, besides having 5 sendang that is Sendang Incantation Rogo, Sendang Panguripan, Sendang Alcove Jiwo, sendang Kamulyan, and sendang Ralung Nisto which kono own?have magical value to heal disease.
Sidomulyo Beach
This coast located in countryside Sidomulyo district of Ngadirajo which distance 50 Kms from Regency Capital City and easy to drive with all vehicle. Coastal with his(its white sand facing to south coast which length 2 Kms.
Goa Tabuhan (Tabuhan Cave)
According to public story around, Goa Tabuhan first time found by Kyai Santiko is losing his(its looking after ox but simply the ox to come into goa which many menyimpan water from aereal root diatasnyaSetelah is cleaned [by] Goa taken care of by Raden Bagus Joko Lelono and a putri Raden Ayu Mardilah.
Bath of Warm Water
Wellspring which menyimpan still various main special qualities and benefit for health and body fitness. This bath called " Tirto Husodo " now have been built two place of bathing, two swimming pool and place of Penginapan. Accesibility to this relative wisata object easy, reachable with vehicle of wheel four with kondiri road either, more or less 15 Kms from Town Pacitan, precisely in district Arjosari.
Ngebel Lake

With the wide of surface about 1.5 km, the road along 5 km surrounded Ngebel Lake. This region had the amazing panorama, cool air with the maiden nature condition that kept one million potentials to be dug up. We also could meet various fruits like: the durian, mangos teens, pundung etc. In the lake also was spread by various fishes, one is the variety of the fish that was protected that is the Hampala fish or the local inhabitants named Ngongok fish. For that wanted to spend the night was also available accommodation that was managed by the Regional Government and private enterprise.
The town square of Ponorogo

Was located in the Ponorogo regency. That most prominent from the capital of Ponorogo regency was the wide and beautiful of town square and also the wide of roads and was decorated by various statue sorts in almost every intersection of the road.
The garden Tourism of Ngembak
Was located in the Siman district approximately 3 km to the east from the centre of the city, consisting of the source of water that was supplemented with the playground and the child's swimming pool. Here also often has held the entertainment stage that was aimed for the garden visitor.
Popoh Beach
Its situation in south of Tulungagung town, ± 28 km, can be gone through public vehicle. Along the beach respect Popoh, it has equipped with souvenir shops, playground, lodging, fish market, tour of maritime, and some besotted places to fish. Each month suro (muharam) it carried out " Labuh Semboyo" ceremony. Still in Popoh area, we can enjoy "Reco Sewu" tourism object and high seas. Along the length of the journey towards Popoh, there is crafting diligence of onyx stone as Tulungagung typical souvenir that earning to have. In Popoh coast area engross to fish, if it is using motor bout can trace coast sidem, klatak, gemah and bayeman.
The garden Tourism of Kucur
Was located in the Badegan district, ± 20 km to the west.There is a source of water (kucur) in the middle of the teak forest that also functioned as the national park but and the camp place.
The spring of Tirto Waluyojati

Was located in the Klepu village, Sooko district, that was located approximately 30 km next east the Ponorogo city.
Kalimas is an old traditional harbor for the world famous Bugis schooner "pinisi" which sailed the Indonesian seas for hundreds of years.
Kya - Kya
Kya-kya Kembang Jepun is in shooping center, Kembang Jepun Street that is the center of eastern Indonesia trade and economy. In the night, this place turns into center of local foods, national, even international. Local foods like lontong balap, empek-empek Palembang, Nasi Padang and also Chinese foods and European - American foods.
INKA Indonesia Railway Industry
INKA, state own industry in Indonesia, standing in the year 1981 which is located in Yos Sudarso Street broadly are 220.000 m2 with the labor as much 974 people. INKA, moving towards from stem locomotive workshop in 1981 to the modern railcar manufacture. With the vision to be world-class company, the business activity is growing from basic product to the higher value added product and service in railway and transportation business. The mission on business and technology competitiveness creation in railway and transportation products is focused to dominate domestic market and to win competition is ASEAN region and developing countries. (Courtesy By Indonesia-Tourism)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mencium Alam di Desa Wisata Siberut Selatan

Anai Leu Ita! Sapaan ramah, senyum lebar, dan tatapan hangat merupakan paket indah yang bisa diperoleh jika berkunjung ke daerah hulu Kecamatan Siberut Selatan, Kepulauan Mentawai. Balaslah dengan senyuman untuk paket gratis yang sudah diterima.Desa Madobak, Ugai, dan Matotonan sebenarnya hanya tiga dari sejumlah desa di daerah hulu Kecamatan Siberut Selatan. Masih ada desa-desa lain, seperti Rokdok dan Butui, dengan keistimewaan yang hampir sama dengan Madobak Ugai dan Matotonan. Namun, ketiga desa ini menjadi perwakilan yang tepat untuk menunjukkan kepada dunia tentang hangatnya alam Mentawai.Desa-desa di bagian hulu Siberut Selatan memiliki daya tarik yang sangat kuat untuk wisata karena kebudayaan dan kehidupan tradisional masyarakatnya yang masih sangat kuat. Mulai dari kehidupan sosial, aktivitas sehari-hari, spiritualitas, hingga cara berpakaian dan bentuk rumah masih terjaga kekhasan dan keunikannya.Pengunjung yang menikmati wisata budaya di ketiga desa ini, tidak hanya dapat menikmati keunikan budayanya yang nyata, seperti rumah yang disebut ‘Uma’ataupun tarian dan pesta adat. Namun, juga dapat menyelami langsung interaksi dengan penduduk setempat dan terpukau dengan nilai-nilai yang masih dijunjung tinggi, seperti kebersamaan.Contohnya, pantang bagi keluarga asli Mentawai untuk makan dari piring yang berbeda. Biasanya, lauk dan sayuran disuguhkan masing-masing di satu baskom besar. Pada saat berkumpul untuk waktu makan, setiap orang bebas mengambil dari wadah tersebut. Kebersamaan ini pula yang hadir dalam setiap aktivitas mereka dalam mencari nafkah, seperti mencari sagu, menombak ikan, ternak babi, atau menanam daun nilam ataupun cokelat. Mental kebersamaan inilah yang menjadikan penduduk asli tergolong ramah kepada para wisatawan yang datang ke kawasan mereka.Jika beruntung, pengunjung dapat mengikuti sejumlah pesta adat yang dipimpin oleh sejumlah Sikkerei (dukun). Menurut keyakinan penduduk setempat, Sikkerei merupakan pemimpin adat yang memiliki keistimewaan secara spiritual untuk menyembuhkan segala macam penyakit dan juga memimpin upacara keagamaan, seperti upacara perkawinan dan pengembalian roh dari manusia yang baru saja meninggal.Penampilan mereka masih sangat tradisional dengan hanya menggunakan cawat kain yang disebut Simoite, sedangkan di kepala mereka terpasang sebuah Luat, yaitu semacam ikat kepala dari manik-manik. Jika Sikkerei bertugas, maka Sikkerei akan mendatangi tempat acara dengan kopernya yang disebut Baklu. Koper serba guna ini berisi berbagai peralatan Sikkerei untuk memimpin pesta adat, seperti Luat, dedaunan dan juga Kubek, yaitu semacam lintingan rokok khas Mentawai.Di tubuh Sikkerei juga biasanya masih tergambar tato khas Mentawai yang dibuat dari air tebu dan arang batok kelapa. Tato digambarkan di badan dengan paku besi atau peniti, dan dua kayu yang berfungsi sebagai alas dan pemukul. Menurut masyarakat, pembuatannya sangat menyakitkan. Selain itu, Sikkerei biasanya juga menggunakan kalung manik-manik, meski semua penduduk juga memakainya. Kalung manik-manik yang melekat di leher lelaki atau perempuan Mentawai menunjukkan tingkat kekayaan seseorang dan statusnya di dalam masyarakat. Makin banyak kalung yang melekat, makin kaya dan terhormatlah orang tersebut.Jika berangkat dari Muara Siberut, rute yang ditempuh adalah Purou-Muntei-Rokdok-Madobak-Ugai-Butui-Matotonan. Setiap desa memiliki kebudayaan yang sangat unik. Desa Madobak terkenal dengan Air Terjun Kulu Kubuk. Letaknya di dalam hutan, sekitar 3 km dari permukiman penduduk Madobak. Air terjun ini terdiri dari dua tingkat dengan total ketinggian 70 meter dan sangat cocok dijadikan sebagai tempat pemandian alam. Hawa segar nan dingin serta perairan yang dangkal mendukung keindahan air yang meluncur bebas dengan derasnya.Setelah Desa Madobak, pengunjung dapat juga mampir di Desa Ugai. Desa masih menyimpan beberapa Uma asli, yaitu rumah adat penduduk asli Mentawai yang terbuat dari kayu Katuka atau Mecini yang terdapat di Mentawai. Meski di Madobak dan Matotonan juga terdapat Uma, bentuk rumahnya tidak lagi asli dan sudah banyak dimodifikasi. Di Ugai-lah, pengunjung dapat menemui Uma asli dengan dapur di bagian depan. Memang, yang khas dari Uma asli adalah terdapat perapian yang berfungsi sebagai dapur di bagian depan rumah. Ini menunjukkan kebiasaan penduduk asli Mentawai sebagai masyarakat yang senang berkumpul bersama. Oleh karena itu, dapur pun menjadi tempat yang penting untuk memasak dan menyediakan jamuan bagi tamu yang datang. Di depannya, tepat setelah tangga masuk, beranda rumah dibuat bertangga. Satu tingkat saja. Di sinilah biasanya, si pemilik rumah memotong ternak atau hewan buruannya untuk dijagal.Jika puas berkeliling Ugai, sekitar satu jam kemudian pengunjung dapat tiba di Desa Matotonan. Desa ini merupakan desa terujung dari Siberut Selatan karena berbatasan dengan kawasan konservasi alam Taman Nasional Siberut. Dibandingkan dengan permukiman penduduk di Madobak dan Ugai yang berdiri di atas tanah yang datar, permukiman penduduk Matotonan tersebar di beberapa bukit kecil. Pemandangan alam dan budaya di Matotonan tentu lebih menakjubkan. Sejumlah Sikkerei masih mudah ditemui. Beberapa pesta adat yang bersifat mistis masih sering dilakukan berhubung penduduknya berjumlah 382 KK atau sekitar 1.817 jiwa.Tinggal di ketiga desa ini dan berinteraksi dengan penduduknya merupakan pengalaman yang tidak akan terlupakan. Sesekali, pengunjung juga dapat mengikuti penduduk ketika mencari sagu di tepi sungai atau di dalam hutan dan kemudian mengolahnya hingga menjadi sagu bakar yang dimakan dengan lauk, seperti ikan, daging babi atau telur. Semuanya masih dilakukan secara tradisional, mulai dari pencarian dengan keranjang sagu hingga pengolahannya hanya dengan kayu bakar. Tentu saja, tidak ada penginapan khusus di ketiga desa ini dan menginap di rumah warga pastinya akan menambah ketakjuban pengunjung. Waktu seperti berjalan cepat di ketiga desa ini.Ketiga desa ini hanya dapat ditempuh dengan menyusuri Sungai Rereget. Sungai Rereget merupakan jalur menuju hulu dari pinggir laut di Muara Siberut. Perjalanan ke Madobak memakan waktu sekitar 3 jam, ke Ugai sekitar 4 jam dan mencapai Matotonan memakan waktu 5-6 jam dengan perahu bermotor. Jika air pasang, perjalanan bisa lebih cepat. Namun jika air dangkal, perjalanan menjadi sangat lambat. Perjalanan dengan perahu bermotor yang berukuran lebih kecil atau pompong sangat disarankan. Selain itu, dengan pertolongan seorang tour guide yang mengenal masyarakat dan kebudayaan asli Mentawai, tentu komunikasi dengan penduduk setempat akan menjadi lebih mudah. Sampai bertemu di Madobak, Ugai, dan Matotonan….*’Anai Leu Ita’ merupakan salam yang biasa diucapkan ketika bertemu dengan orang lain. Semacam kata ‘Horas’ bagi suku Batak. (Courtesy By Kompas/Antara)

Meniti Jejak Islam di Kokas

Menyambangi Kokas, Fakfak, Papua Barat, nuansa kehidupan Islami akan terasa begitu kental. Tak heran, karena di sini sebagian besar masyarakatnya memang memeluk agama Islam. Sebagai salah satu pusat agama Islam di Kabupaten Fakfak maka Kokas menyimpan bukti sejarah yang mereka banggakan. Salah satu peninggalan sejarah Islam di Kokas adalah masjid tua di Kampung Patimburak.Masyarakat setempat mengenal masjid ini sebagai Masjid Tua Patimburak. Menurut catatan sejarah, masjid ini telah berdiri lebih dari 200 tahun yang lalu, bahkan merupakan masjid tertua di Kabupaten Fakfak. Bangunan yang masih berdiri kokoh dan berfungsi hingga saat ini dibangun pada tahun 1870, seorang imam bernama Abuhari Kilian.Aura tradisional muncul saat menyambangi lokasi masjid tua ini. Di kampung yang dihuni tak lebih dari 35 kepala keluarga tersebut anda akan mendapati kesederhanaan yang menyatu dari bangunan masjid dan kehidupan masyarakatnya.Sekilas bangunan masjid seluas tidak lebih dari 100 meter persegi ini tampak biasa. Namun coba perhatikan lebih seksama. Masjid ini memiliki keunikan pada arsitekturnya, yaitu perpaduan bentuk masjid dan gereja. Musa Heremba, imam Masjid Patimburak mengaku bangunan masjid ini telah mengalami beberapa kali renovasi. Meski mempertahankan bentuk aslinya, namun material asli yang belum diganti adalah empat buah pilar penyangga yang terdapat di dalam masjid.Pada masa penjajahan, masjid ini bahkan pernah diterjang bom tentara Jepang. Hingga kini, kejadian tersebut menyisakan lubang bekas peluru di pilar masjid.Menurut Musa Heremba, penyebaran Islam di Kokas tak lepas dari pengaruh Kekuasaan Sultan Tidore di wilayah Papua. Pada abad XV, Kesultanan Tidore mulai mengenal Islam. Sultan Ciliaci adalah sultan pertama yang memeluk agama Islam. Sejak itulah sedikit demi sedikit agama Islam mulai berkembang di daerah kekuasaan Kesultanan Tidore termasuk Kokas.Di pelataran masjid, sebuah pohon mangga kokoh berdiri. Namun, bukan sembarang pohon mangga. Dari ukuran batangnya, bisa dipastikan usia pohon raksasa ini tak terpaut jauh dengan usia masjid. Syahdan, perlu empat rentang tangan orang dewasa untuk merengkuh keseluruhan batang pohon ini.Tertarik ziarah ke masjid ini? Untuk mencapai lokasi Masjid Tua Patimburak, anda sebelumnya harus menempuh perjalanan darat dari Fakfak ke Kokas. Tersedia angkutan luar kota dari terminal kota Fakfak. Selama 2 jam anda akan menyusur jalan berkelok dan segarnya udara pegunungan. Tiba di kota Kokas, perjalanan menuju Kampung Patimburak harus dilanjutkan menggunakan longboat sewaan.Pemandangan selama 1 jam mengendarai long boat rasanya sayang jika dilewatkan. Anda bisa menikmati keindahan pulau-pulau karang yang masih perawan di sepanjang perjalanan. (Courtesy By Kompas/Antara)

Pulau Nyang-Nyang, Surga Para Peselancar

Pasir putih, ombak besar yang bergulung, hangatnya sinar matahari...
Menemukan surga di Sumatera Barat tepatnya di kawasan Kepulauan Mentawai rasanya tak sulit. Pulau Nyang-Nyang, salah satunya. Pulau yang memenuhi sederetan ‘maunya’ wisatawan asing maupun lokal.
Hampir seluruh pulau di Kepulauan Mentawai sering disebut surga bagi para peselancar, termasuk Pulau Nyang-Nyang. Pasalnya, ketika musim ombak, tinggi ombak bisa mencapai empat meter. Biasanya terjadi pada pertengahan tahun. Jika kapal kayu atau perahu motor penduduk enggan melaut, justru kondisi ombak seperti inilah yang menjadi dambaan bagi para peselancar di tepi pantai Pulau Nyang-Nyang. Sebagian besar peselancar yang datang adalah orang-orang kulit putih alias Bule. Demikian keterangan sejumlah penduduk lokal yang ditemui. Keadaan ini juga berlaku di beberapa pulau lain di sekitar Pulau Nyang-Nyang, seperti Pulau Sipora tempat ibukota Kabupaten Mentawai berada, Pulau Karamajat, Pulau Siloinak, Pulau Mainu, Pulau Pagai Utara dan Pagai Selatan.
Pulau Nyang-Nyang adalah salah satu pulau di Kecamatan Siberut Selatan. Dari Muara Siberut, ibukota kecamatan, perjalanan ke Pulau Nyang-Nyang dengan boat kecil memakan waktu lebih dari satu jam sedangkan dengan boat besar menghabiskan waktu satu setengah hingga dua jam. Perjalanan dengan boat besar memakan waktu lebih dalam keadaan normal karena air tidak terlalu pasang. Boat besar yang berisi maksimal 8 orang dapat disewa dengan harga mulai dari Rp 600.000-800.000 untuk sekali perjalanan. Oleh karena itu, dating secara berkelompok sangat disarankan supaya biaya perorangan menjadi lebih murah. Selain melalui Muara Siberut, Pulau Nyang-Nyang juga dapat dicapai sekitar dua jam perjalanan dari Tuapejat, ibukota Kabupaten Mentawai.
Pengunjung yang mendatangi pulau ini biasanya menghabiskan waktu seminggu. Mereka menginap di rumah-rumah penduduk dengan tarif tertentu yang jauh lebih murah bila menginap di sebuah resort yang dibangun di pulau tersebut. Jika menginap di rumah penduduk yang masih terbuat dari kayu dengan bentuk tertentu, tentu saja interaksi dengan para penduduk asli menjadi kesan tambahan dalam perjalanan wisata para pengunjung. Selain berselancar dan berkeliling dengan berjalan kaki ataupun dengan menggunakan boat, pengunjung dapat melihat langsung kehidupan sehari-hari penduduk setempat, misalnya aktivitas mencari dan membuat sagu sebagai bahan makanan pokok atau menangkap ikan di laut.
Di sore hari, pengunjung dapat menghabiskan waktu dengan menyeruput kelapa muda sambil menikmati terbenamnya matahari di ufuk barat. Jangan lupa juga membeli beberapa hasil tangkapan penduduk dari laut untuk makan malam. Meminta tolong kepada pemilik rumah tempat menginap untuk membakar hasil tangkapan tersebut sah-sah saja. Tentu saja dengan imbalan secukupnya. Di pulau ini, penduduk memang mengandalkan hasil laut sebagai makanan sehari-hari mereka. Oleh karena itu, jika tidak terlalu suka hasil tangkapan dari laut, bawalah bekal bahan makanan khusus ketika tiba di Kepulauan Mentawai.
Pulau Nyang-Nyang biasanya ramai pada musim ombak. Selain ramai dengan para wisatawan dan peselancar, pulau ini juga dipenuhi dengan penduduk dari pulau-pulau seberang untuk menjajakan berbagai cendera mata, seperti kaus atau baju, gelang-gelang, maupun ukiran khas Mentawai berbentuk orang yang sedang mendayung sampan.
Keeksotisan Pulau Nyang-Nyang memang mengesankan. Nyiur melambai dengan kemayu dengan latar belakang langit yang biru jernih serta deburan ombak membuat ingin kembali ke Pulau Nyang-Nyang yang perlu untuk dikenang. Namun perlu waspada, Kepulauan Mentawai secara umum terkenal dengan hewan seperti nyamuk yang bernama Agas. Gigitannya sangat gatal. Oleh karena itu, sangat disarankan untuk membawa lotion anti nyamuk atau sejenisnya. (Courtesy By Kompas/Antara)

Masih Banyak Keindahan di Toba

Heran, di Medan tidak banyak orang yang antusias dengan Danau Toba. Danau terbesar di Asia Tenggara itu menyimpan gambaran ”kotor”, ”penuh keramba”, hingga ”hutan yang sudah gundul”. Seorang guru SMA mengatakan, pelayanan warga kepada wisatawan di Parapat tidak bagus. Orang membeli mangga bisa kena tipu. Aufrida Wismi Warastri & Edna C PattisinaUntunglah seorang kawan berkata, ”Danau Toba itu luas, kita masuk dari sisi lain.”Kata-kata itu menguatkan niat kami, apalagi ditambah kenangan tentang idola masa kecil, Julius Sitanggang, yang suaranya masih terngiang-ngiang di telinga: Danau Toba… oh Danau Toba… danau indah dan permai….Berangkat hari Minggu pagi, dari Medan kami menuju Sidikalang, Kabupaten Dairi, untuk bertemu beberapa teman. Setelah itu menuju Tele, salah satu sudut terbaik untuk melihat Danau Toba. Di Sidikalang, kami mendapat informasi keberadaan danau di atas Danau Toba, danau di Pulau Samosir. Danau Sidihoni namanya. Sebuah imaji yang menjadi cita-cita perjalanan ini.Perjalanan kami lanjutkan setelah sempat bimbang melihat beberapa truk mengangkut durian Sidikalang yang tersohor itu. Beli… tidak... beli... tidak…. ”Ada juga kok di Medan, malah sudah dibungkus kotak plastik, berlapis-lapis, siap masuk ke pesawat,” kata Maringan S Pardede, warga Sidikalang.Jalan antara Sidikalang dan Tele melewati perkebunan kopi dan jeruk, berselang-seling dengan padang tempat kuda merumput di samping anak-anak yang bersuka ria, bercanda sambil mandi-mandi di air yang jernih.Jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 17.00 lewat, saat sesekali, sedikit demi sedikit, Danau Toba menampilkan dirinya, di antara perbukitan. Suasana jadi misterius sekaligus puitis.Tele adalah salah satu sudut terbaik bagi umum untuk melihat Danau Toba. Sebuah menara pandang berdiri di sudutnya. Di sisi kiri tampak Gunung Pusuk Buhit, gunung mitologi Batak, yang diselimuti kabut dan awan. Di sisi kanan beberapa air terjun dari tebing Danau Toba mengalir. Di depan menara, Danau Toba terbentang. Hujan rintik-rintik turun, dingin, tetapi tak menusuk.Beberapa orang yang datang ke Tele sering bergumam, Tele mengingatkan mereka pada pegunungan dalam film Lords of the Ring.Hari itu jalan dari Tele ke Pulau Samosir yang menuruni bukit tengah diperlebar. Keamanan pengendara jadi taruhan. Tebing batu di sisi kiri rawan longsor, sementara jurang puluhan meter menganga di sebelah kanan. Jalanan bergeronjal, rusak. Sayang, keindahan Danau Toba menyembunyikan maut akibat infrastruktur yang buruk.Sup ikanMatahari nyaris tenggelam ketika tiba-tiba kami merasa mobil terguncang aneh di jalan rata. Sebuah insiden terjadi: ban mobil kami pecah. Jujur, kami tidak tahu yang namanya dongkrak, apalagi tempat ban cadangan. Beruntung, seorang pemuda asal Medan yang kebetulan lewat dengan inang dan tulang-nya rela berselonjor di bawah mobil mencari pengait ban cadangan yang telah berkarat dan membantu kami mengganti ban.Sekitar pukul tujuh malam kami tiba di Pangururan, kota terbesar di Pulau Samosir. Kami menginap di Ambarita, disambut Jumaga Gultom, tuan rumah yang mengajak mengobrol di teras dengan suara latar empasan air Danau Toba yang berjarak dua meter dari tempat kami duduk.Istri Jumaga, Masrida Sihombing, menghidangkan menu hari itu, sop ikan Danau Toba, yang baru dibuat karena memang hanya kami tamunya pada hari yang dingin itu. Tidak ada lagi yang kurang, setelah semangkuk panas sop ikan mujair dengan potongan tomat segar dimakan bersama nasi hangat.Obrolan pun mengalir ke sana-kemari, dari air danau yang naik beberapa meter belakangan ini, sampai pada turis mancanegara yang tidak pernah kembali sejak tragedi bom Bali. Turis domestik cukup banyak, tetapi kebanyakan berhenti di Parapat.Sempat kami berpandangan saat empunya rumah bercerita tentang Danau Sidihoni. ”Sebenarnya bisa cuma setengah jam dari Pangururan, tetapi karena jalan rusak dua jam pun bisa lebih,” kata dia. Dalam hati saya berkata, ban bisa pecah lagi, nih.Kami berangkat pukul enam pagi ke Sidihoni. Di huta-huta alias desa-desa di sepanjang jalan, wajah-wajah anak kecil muncul dari rumah adat, sementara ibu mereka menyapu di halaman rumah. Ladang dan makam tempat tulang-belulang para leluhur Batak yang dikubur kembali saat upacara Mangongkal Holi berjejer di tepi jalan.”Boru apa kau, inang?” Ringan sebuah teguran meluncur yang dengan mudah berlanjut ke percakapan panjang tentang suami, istri, anak, cucu, hingga kehidupan. Perjalanan kami terasa sederhana, tetapi nyata, masuk ke dalam kehidupan para inang dan amang di Samosir, bukan sekadar menonton sesuatu yang artifisial.Perjalanan dari Pangururan ke Danau Sidihoni melewati jalan menanjak yang bukan saja rusak parah, tetapi hancur lebur. Jalan tujuh kilometer perlu ditempuh dalam waktu dua jam. Untungnya, pemandangan Danau Toba dari atas sangat indah. Danau Toba bahkan terlihat dalam sudut 180 derajat melebar. Hutan pinus serta bunga-bunga liar ada di sepanjang jalan.SidihoniDi tengah padang rumput dan ladang, muncullah Danau Sidihoni, danau di atas Danau Toba itu. Di tepian danau yang berujud bukit tampak sebuah gereja tua mungil.Tidak ada kesibukan wisata di sekitar danau yang sunyi sepi. Hanya sebuah warung kopi dengan beberapa pria yang asyik menongkrong dengan meja biliar dan segelas kopi. ”Dulu sering ada turis bule kemah di sini, mereka suka berenang di danau,” kata Naibaho, warga setempat.Danau Sidihoni terletak di tengah padang rumput di Desa Ronggur Nihuta, desa tertinggi di Samosir yang terletak di ketinggian sekitar 1.500 meter. Menurut Maruhum Simalango (73), tetua masyarakat, kawasan itu tadinya hutan belukar. Rawa yang ada di tengah hutan belukar itu kemudian berubah menjadi danau. Itu terjadi ratusan tahun lalu.Maruhum berkisah, ada cerita di balik ketenangan air danau yang luas maksimalnya bisa mencapai 5 hektar dengan kedalaman 90 meter ini. Sesekali danau ini terlihat bening sehingga mengundang para turis berenang.Ada saat-saat istimewa ketika perubahan warna danau mengikuti kondisi republik ini. ”Pernah dua kali danau ini berwarna merah, waktu 30 September 1965 dan waktu Soeharto turun,” kata Marihun.Saat kami berada di sana, tepat pada hari kedua kampanye pemilu legislatif (17/3), air danau yang susut itu berwarna coklat keruh. Entah apa artinya....(Courtesy By Kompas/Antara)

Ada Mercusuar di Masjid Luar Batang (1)

Senin (13/4) pukul 16.00. Di sela riak laut, cahaya matahari seperti menebar butiran mutiara. Nurdin (50) mendorong perahu kecilnya dari tepian kampung nelayan di RW 4 Kampung Luar Batang, Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara (Jakut). Perahu pun bergeser ke tengah, diombang-ambingkan angin sore. Di seberang, deretan kapal kayu bersandar di Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa. Cuaca cerah, menyenangkan. Tapi tidak buat Nurdin. Pekerjaannya mengantar wisatawan berkeliling kawasan Sunda Kelapa sampai Pulau Onrust, tidak lagi menyimpan banyak harapan seperti 15 tahun lalu. Kala itu, dengan pekerjaan serupa, warga masih mampu menabung dan menyekolahkan anak-anak mereka hingga SMA. Tapi sekarang? “Pendapatan bersih saya sehari rata-rata hanya Rp 50.000,” ucapnya tak bersemangat. Kedua tangannya terus mendayung.Tak jauh dari rumahnya, Suarto (53) duduk gelisah di depan tokonya, menunggu pembeli yang tak juga datang. Usaha kerajinan kerang yang ditekuni ibunya sejak tahun 70-an kini lesu. Padahal, tahun 80-an usaha tokonya di Jalan Pasar Ikan Kampung Luar Batang itu ramai pembeli. Kini, wisatawan yang datang ke sana jauh berkurang. "Dulu, tempat pelelangan ikan di belakang deretan toko juga masih ramai. Ada beberapa warung ikan bakar di situ. Turis suka pada suasananya," tutur Sanang (62), pengojek sepeda yang mangkal di depan deretan toko. Ia sudah 20 tahun mengojek di situ. Lima belas tahun lalu, para pengojek mendapat banyak pelanggan, terutama para pedagang pengecer ikan segar dan turis.“Pendapatan kami tahun 80-an memang cuma Rp 15.000. Tetapi, sepiring nasi sayur dan telur kala itu cuma Rp 50. Sekarang, pendapatan kami sehari rata-rata Rp 30.000. Buat makan dan rokok, Rp 25.000," papar Sanang. Ia menjelaskan, setelah ada pelelangan ikan di Muara Baru dan Muara Angke, pelelangan ikan di Kampung Luar Batang sepi.
Belum banyak tergarap Menurut mantan Lurah Penjaringan, Budi Santoso, 60 persen dari jumlah penduduk Penjaringan bekerja di sektor informal. Sisanya bekerja sebagai buruh di pabrik, pergudangan, pelabuhan, dan pelayan rumah toko.Mereka yang bekerja di sektor informal, umumnya hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan. Padahal, di Penjaringan banyak peluang usaha wisata yang belum banyak tergarap.Setidaknya ada lima lokasi yang bisa diintegrasikan menjadi bermacam paket wisata menarik. Kelima lokasi tersebut, Museum Bahari, Pasar Ikan, Gedung Galangan Kapal VOC (Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie), dan Masjid Keramat Luar Batang di Kelurahan Penjaringan, serta Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa di Kelurahan Ancol. (Courtesy By Kompas/Antara)

Ada Mercusuar di Masjid Luar Batang (2)

Tentang Masjid Luar Batang, A Heuken SJ dalam bukunya, Mesjid-mesjid Tua di Jakarta (Cipta Loka Caraka 2003), menulis, dulu Masjid Luar Batang terletak di sebelah utara tembok kota lama. Lokasi ini sesudah pertengahan abad ke-17 diuruk, dan mulai dihuni orang-orang Cirebon tahun 1730. Mereka bertugas membersihkan mulut Kali Ciliwung dari lumpur supaya kapal bisa sampai ke Pasar Ikan yang letaknya tak jauh dari masjid ini.Dalam masjid terdapat makam dengan tulisan pada nisan, ”Walijallah Alhabib Husein bin Abubakar bin Abdillah Al Aydrus yang telah wafat pada hari Kamis 27 Puasa 1169, Berbetulan 24 Juni 1756”. Batav Courant edisi 12 Mei 1827 menyebutkan, Habib Husein meninggal dalam rumah komandan Abdul Raup dan dimakamkan di samping masjid.Gema tentang ketokohan Habib Husein tak bisa diingkari, luar biasa. Dalam bukunya yang terkenal tentang Hadramaut, LWC van den Berg pada 1886 menunjukkan betapa populernya Habib Husein.Ia menulis, "Tidak hanya golongan pribumi, namun juga orang-orang Tionghoa campuran, dan kaum Indo, berziarah memohon keberhasilan dalam usaha mereka memperoleh keturunan, dan sebagainya. Penjualan benda-benda keramatnya saat itu mencapai 8.000 gulden setahun." Bagi kaum pribumi, dikubur di makam kecil yang terletak di samping masjid merupakan cita-cita. Akibatnya, sumbangan untuk makam juga merupakan sumber pemasukan yang cukup besar. Pengelola masjid, Hussein Fikri bin Abdullah Alaydrus (40), yang ditemui, mengatakan, sampai sekarang setiap malam Jumat kliwon, masjid ramai dikunjungi peziarah. Sebagian mereka datang dari Malaysia, Singapura, Brunei, Filipina, Irak, dan Iran. “Untuk menyemarakkan suasana, kami menggelar musik rebana biang atau rebana hadroh,” tutur generasi kelima Habib Husein itu saat ditemui di halaman masjid di bulan Ramadhan 2008.Suasana masjid menjadi lebih ramai saat Ramadhan datang. Hidangan khas Betawi bercita rasa Arab (Yaman Selatan, Hadramaut) disajikan kepada seluruh peziarah. Nasi kebuli, kurma, minuman selasi, pacar cina, dan es kelapa muda menjadi hidangan pembuka puasa.Puncak keramaian makan besar di masjid ini berlangsung setiap memperingati Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW, serta hari kelahiran Habib Husein tanggal 25 Agustus. “Setiap memperingati maulid dan hari kelahiran habib, Ibu Fatwa (80) dan timnya memasak nasi kebuli sampai 40 kuali untuk 5.000 peziarah,” ungkap Hussein Fikri.Selain makan besar, setiap Ramadhan, pengelola masjid bersama sejumlah pengelola masjid tua lain menyelenggarakan tradisi khatam Quran secara bergantian. (Courtesy By Kompas/Antara)

Ada Mercusuar di Mesjid Luar Batang (3)

Lokasi menarik berikutnya adalah Galangan kapal VOC yang beroperasi sejak 1632. Galangan ini berdiri di atas tanah urukan di tepi barat Kali Besar saat Ciliwung diluruskan dari Pintu Kecil sampai Pasar Ikan. Awalnya, galangan kapal yang terletak di Jalan Kakap Nomor 1, Pasar Ikan ini, adalah sebuah kantor dagang VOC yang didirikan tahun 1628. Bangunan lalu dijadikan gudang barang keperluan galangan kapal yang ada di Pulau Onrust, Kepulauan Seribu, Jakut. Pulau Onrust dibangun menjadi galangan kapal merangkap benteng tahun 1618. Menurut Adolf Heuken dan Grace Pamungkas dalam bukunya, “Galangan Kapal Batavia Selama Tiga Ratus Tahun“, kegiatan perbaikan kapal lama-lama lebih banyak dilakukan di galangan kapal yang terletak di Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa daripada di Pulau Onrust. Galangan kapal VOC hampir selama dua abad menjadi urat nadi jaringan niaga yang terentang dari Pulau Decima di Nagasaki, Jepang, sampai Cape Town, Afrika Selatan. Dari Ternate, sampai Bandar Surat di Pantai Teluk Arab. Sekitar abad ke 14, pelabuhan yang luas arealnya sekarang mencapai 2000 meter persegi itu, mulai berkembang menjadi pusat niaga Kerajaan Pakuan Pajajaran yang beribukota di Batutulis, Bogor, Jawa Barat. Kala itu, pelabuhan ini disinggahi kapal-kapal dari Palembang, Malaka, Makasar, Madura, India, Tiongkok Selatan, sampai kapal-kapal yang datang dari Kepulauan Ryuku, Jepang. Tahun 1527 pasukan Fatahillah, panglima perang Sunan Gunung Jati (Syarif Hidayatullah), Cirebon, berhasil menghalau pasukan Portugis yang hendak merebut Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa. Kala itu, Cirebon di bawah Kesultanan Demak. Setelah kemenangan itu, Fatahillah mengubah nama Sunda Kelapa menjadi Jayakarta yang artinya, kemenangan sempurna. Tetapi, tahun 1619, Gubernur Jenderal VOC (Vereenigde Oost-indische Compagnie) Jan Pieterszoon Coen, merebut kembali Jayakarta dan mengubah namanya menjadi Batavia. Kini, galangan kapal VOC seluas 5000 meter persegi itu menjadi milik Susilawati. Tahun 1997-1999, ia merenovasi bangunan dan menjadikan sebagian bangunannya, “Restoran dan Cafe Galangan Kapal VOC”. Ia berharap, langkah yang ia lakukan mampu membangkitkan dunia usaha di sekitar galangan kapal tersebut. Namun, niatnya belum kesampaian karena masih banyak kesulitan yang ia hadapi. Kesulitan itu antara lain, untuk mencapai ke sana wisatawan atau pengunjung lain harus melintas jalanan, yang sehari-hari macet dan berdebu oleh truk-truk peti kemas. Apalagi sebagian jalan di sana rusak. Meski demikian, Susi masih berusaha membuat galangan kapal-nya menarik. Ia lalu menjadikan sebagian bangunan sebagai galeri seni, tempat seminar, festival budaya, bahkan pesta pernikahan. Lokasi berikutnya adalah Museum Maritim (sejak 7 Juli 1977). Bangunan ini awalnya berupa dua gedung bekas kantor perdagangan dan gudang rempah-rempah (teh, kopi, lada) Belanda yang dibangun tahun 1652. Tembok yang mengelilingi museum tersebut adalah tembok batas kota Batavia. Di depan museum berdiri Menara Syahbandar (1839). Menara berfungsi mengawasi kapal keluar masuk Pelabuhan Sunda Kelapa. Di museum, para pengunjung bisa melihat jenis-jenis kapal dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia, gambar, serta foto pelabuhan-pelabuhan di Tanah Air di masa lalu. Salah satu koleksi menarik museum ini adalah tayangan sejarah Pulau Onrust.
Wisata ziarah Berbekal kelima lokasi, peluang menjadikan Kelurahan Penjaringan sebagai kawasan industri wisata, terbuka lebar. Pengembangan kawasan bisa berbasis pada wisata ziarah di Mesjid Luar Batang. Pertama, karena kegiatan ziarah di sana sudah lama populer dan mampu mendatangkan banyak peziarah dari luar dan dalam negeri. Kedua, pengembangan wisata ziarah di mesjid diharapkan bisa mengembalikan fungsi mesjid sebagai mercusuar peradaban yang belakangan tergeser oleh mal. Para pewaris Habib Husein bersama warga sekitar, swasta, dan pemangku kepentingan lainnya, bisa mengembangkan tempat khalwat yang nyaman, penginapan, biro perjalanan sederhana, tempat parkir, serta berbagai jasa seperti pemandu wisata, jasa transportasi tradisional, maupun konvensional. Prinsipnya, usaha dilakukan secara bertahap dengan tenaga pendamping. Dari merealisasikan rencana-rencana jangka pendek, ke rencana-rencana jangka menengah. Dari sedikit yang terlibat, ke pelibatan lebih banyaklebih banyak pihak yang terlibat. Dari hanya mengembangkan wisata ziarah di sekitar serambi mesjid, melebar sampai ke pengembangan wisata air, dan wisata budaya. Dari Museum Bahari, menyusuri pantai Sunda Kelapa sampai Pulau Onrust. Meluas lagi ke wisata kuliner dan belanja di Restoran dan Kafe Galangan Kapal VOC, serta Pasar Ikan. Persoalan, kemacetan, jalan rusak, tempat parkir, dan keamanan, bisa ditanggulangi bersama dengan pola bertahap. Langkah dari bawah ini kemudian diikuti langkah pemerintah provinsi dan pusat, terutama menyangkut pembangunan, penataan, pemulihan, dan pemanfaatan infrastruktur.Komunitas terbuka Pengembangan kawasan wisata yang dilakukan secara bertahap ini, tentu saja diiringi usaha mengembangkan komunitas yang terbuka, kreatif, sadar lingkungan, dan jauh dari kekerasan. Komunitas yang menghormati dan memberi ruang pada beraneka tradisi. Bukan hal yang mudah memang, tapi bila pengembangan wisata berhasil, maka seluruh pemangku kepentingan Jakarta bisa berharap, kawasan kumuh di Kelurahan Penjaringan, bisa berubah menjadi lebih sehat, dan sejahtera. Musibah rob, kebakaran, dan kesulitan air bersih yang sering terjadi di sana, bisa berkurang atau bahkan berakhir. Itulah pertanda, ada “mercu suar” di Mesjid Luar Batang. (Courtesy By Kompas/Antara)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

East Borneo - East Kalimantan

East Kalimantan is the widest province in Indonesia, broadly region is about 245237,80 Km2 or about one a half point of Java Island and Madura or 11 % from Indonesia region wide total. This province abuts on direct with neighboring state, that is Sabah and Serawak, East Malaysia.
Samarinda Sarong
In south region of Mahakam River or also called 'Samarinda Seberang', about 8 Km from the downtown, in Bung Tomo Street, there is center of Samarinda Sarong crafting. This sarong crafting had brought by people who come from Sulawesi and Bugis tribes. Almost in every countrified Bugis tribe in this detectable place is sarong worker Samarinda. Weaver being applied the workers is traditional equipment called 'Gedokan'. The product that being yielded for one sarong has finished till three weeks time.
Tanah Merah Waterfall
The location of Tanah Merah Waterfall is about 14 Km from Samarinda downtown, precisely in Purwosari orchard, north Samarinda district. This tourism place has compatible calm for family recreation because equipped with wide park area; ancient verandah palace to took a rest, booth, open stage and others. To reach this place can join with others public vehicle of Segiri Market - Siring River route.
Pampang Culture Tourism Area
Pampang area which is located about 20 Km from Samarinda city is interesting culture tourism area to see Dayak Kenyah tribe. This culture tourism object can be gone through using motor vehicle through Samarinda - Bontang roadway. The fascination, which can be witnessed in this place, is Lamin or Dayak tribe customhouse and dance and Dayak Kenyah custom ceremony, what performed every Sunday noon up to evening.
Melawai Beach
Melawai Beach, which is located dealt with this Jend Sudirman Street, is place of where the merchant's sell has assorted the delicious food and beverage with cheap price. Visitors can sit on the mat and enjoy the wave splashing and see the ships, which is sailing, yoke and also being reduce charge in Semayang port.
Crocodile Teritip Breding
Crocodile Teritip Breeding is residing in east of the airport, 27 Km from downtown, there is place of crocodile breeding. Visitor can feed to crocodile with a chicken that bought in that place, seems become entertainment amusement for some people. The numbers of crocodiles in breeding with 5 Ha widths are about 3000 tails that consisted of three types that is Muara Crocodile, Supit Crocodile and Swamp Crocodile. This location can reach by joining with others city transport No 7.
Japan Canon
About 8 Km from the downtown in Kampung Baru Ilir countrysides, Asrama Hill area there is an omission cannon of Japan army. The position of this cannon indicates that Balikpapan is strategic defense place. From a place of 2500 m2 width we can see Balikpapan City, refinery and Balikpapan bay. This location can reach using city transport No 5 and No 6.
Wanawisata Garden
This Wanawisata Garden located in Km 10, Soekarno Hatta Street, 15 minutes join with others common vehicle from Balikpapan downtown. In garden, which built by PT Inhutani I, there is various birches and fruits rareness, there is also pounced deer breeding (servus unicolor). This place equipped with trek or special line for having athletics to jog and camping area in open nature with fresh area.
Bakapai Garden
Bakapai Garden Jend Sudirman Street, in front of PLN office there is Bakapai Garden. In the middle of garden there is monument made from stainless steel material depicting the exit of oil blast from earth stomach. At night, from the inside of this monument, there is water fountain that exit being allied with light, so it beautiful forms. This location suited for relaxing with the family.
Manggar Segarsari Beach
Manggar Segarasari Beach is broadly 13000 m2 has clear seawater, small waves and white sand. This beach is balmy place for they, who wish to play, sail and also volley beach. Place that opened start at six mornings so at six evenings is reachable with personal vehicle and also public vehicle number 7. The Beach location is resided in Manggar and Teritip sub-district with distance 9 Km from Sepinggan Airlines or 22 Km from Balikpapan downtown.
Agro Tourism Garden
Agro Tourism Garden had declared in 17 Decembers 1997 have 100 hectares width area. In this garden, the visitor can enjoy tropical crop types. This garden is also equipped with picnic place and resting place with some facilities, such as: long house (wedding-bed decorative) with Dayak ornaments, camping place (camping ground) and children play arena (play ground). Agro Tourism Garden is located in Soekarno Hatta Street Km 23 and reachable with route city transport No 8.
Kutai National Park
In national park area about 200 thousand hectares width is safe fauna and floral properties include animal and rareness plant that protected like orang-utan, bekantan and various forest orchids. In this area also there is the widest forest ulin in Indonesia. To reach the location of national park is through roadway line Samarinda - Bontang or about 125 Km from Samarinda towards Bontang and continue journey using speed boat towards Kaba Bay that need time 2 hours.
Derawan Island
Derawan Island is preserve area that went out to sea, part of Sangalaki island, which is located not far from offshore Batu foreland, between Berau and Tarakan. This island has beautiful panorama with clean white coast with adjoining coconut palm forest, and a number of small villages encircle island. This place has known as sea tourism location especially for dive and snorkeling activities. Although situation of outlying, but the popularity of Derawan Island and islands in vicinity increasingly as location sea tourism. The marines around Derawan Island is rich with fish especially a kind of fish that always forage on the surface of water whereas birds fly above it to pounce adrift food on the sea. Green tortoise, which is scarce laid eggs along the Derwan Island beach, is not far from diving Derwan Dive Resort location. You will not meet car or motor in this island while electrics only live a few nocturnal clocks.
Tenggarong Regency
Tenggarong which is located 39 Km in northwest Samarinda during then is capital of Sultanate Kutai. The town is residing in Mahakam riverbank with people about 50 thousand mans; there is ex Kutai Empire, which now functioning as museum. This palace built by Dutch in year 1930 replaces wood building stripper palace that falling to pieces combustible. The Museum has collection of objects from Sultanate Kutai period and Dayak Tribes culture objects. The museum collection is impressing property of stripper ceramics jar of Chinese from dynasty Yuan, Ming and Qing period and now Sultanate Kutai is animated. Every year in September in Tenggarong is performed a Erau Festival that taking place during one finite two weeks. Dayak public who come from various areas in Kalimantan follows this event. At this event is performed custom ceremony and various dances that show by the Dayak dressy custom dancers. Kumala Island is newest tourism object in Kutai with solidarity between traditional and modern with complete facilities.
Long Iram
Long Iram is a calm village and peace. Here there are a number of omission buildings in colonial period. This village usually becomes perambulation end point Mahakam River. The journey farther upstream from this Long Iram has been difficult to be done by the river condition that is not enables to be passed by speedboat. But if the condition is enable farther upstream journey able to be done. Not far from Long Iram (3 Km) there is Gap Lake where you can explore the lake that become monkey habitat by rent some ships, which available. From Gap Lake journey can be continued to Tering - ama where there is a real impressing church.
Datah Bilang
If the condition has enable you can continue the farther upstream journey, hence the interesting place, which can be visited after Long Iram is Datah Bilang. This area is Dayak Kenyah tribe public region who believing in Protestant Christian moving to this area in 1970 from their area before in Apokayan. The Dayak Kenyah woman in this place have long ear because decorate by a decoration as ballast.
Tengkorak Cave
This place is located in Jemparing village with approximately distance 55 km from Tanah Grogot. In this cave there is skulls fossil. For towards this location can be gone through supporting facilities for transportation of wheel 4 and wheel 2vehicle.
Doyam Turu Waterfall
Doyam Turu Waterfall is located in Lempesu village, 27 km from Tanah Grogot. Be favorite tourism object and have recreation, enjoying beautiful nature glamour and cold atmosphere. In this place are available booths for visitor.
Penajam Pasir Utara Regency
Deer Breeding is located in Waru District, Penajam Paser Utara regency, according to SK East Kalimantan No14/BPN-16/UM-05/111-1990 is reserved farm with 1000 Ha width for breeding area, but finite has just exploited and have been fenced with 50Ha width. It is build in 1996 last year. The location is side of joint streets Tanah Grogot Penajam (about 103 km from Tanah Grogot). Beside as place of tourism object, this place also applied as place of breeding and conservation various deer population types till now (July 2002) about 109 tails, deer types being breed is Sambar deer (Cervus Unicolor Brokei) and Timor deer (Cervus Timorensis), with detail adult 30 tails, female 35 tails, child and each female child 22 tails. Now have been done cooperation with The Institute of Indonesia Science (LIPI) in 'Potensi Ternak Rusa' sector.
Data Dian
Data Dian is the capital city of Kayan Hilir district and this area also close to frontier Malaysia State. The original society of Data Dian is Aborigin. They are the first resident who inhabiting in backwoods of Kayan River, so that the longest River in Malinau regency have estuary to Bulungan Regency is Kayan River. Kayan River area is very famous with rafting that is one rafting activities.Long Ampung is located in Long Ampung village Long Ampung is stepped aside Kayan River. There is airfield Perintis that in recognize as Lapter Long Ampung in Apo Kayan Area village. In this village dwelt by Dayak Kenyah Lepo Jalau tribes and they very diligent grew crops. And they also have 'Lamin custom' so that its culture is in this area. For tourist who will visit this village can apply plane DAS from Samarinda - Long Ampung.
Nyamuk River
In this area, the resident cultivate peppercorn and chocolate. So this area yields chocolate fruits and peppercorn. For tourists who want to visit this area can earn directly from Tarakan or through Nunukan then continue the journey to Nyamuk Island.
Long Bawan Kayan
Long Bawan in mountain area that abutting on Sabah has dwelt by Lundaye tribe The Lundaye tribe culture art typical is Traditionaly Ceremony Nyumpai Semarang Mei Ulung, Parisanan Dance and Baritubang. In this area there is pioneer airfield with plane from Tarakan. Kayan district is famous with population of buffalo livestock and as a symbol for paddy, paddy producer and nature salt producer.
Tarakan Regency
Tarakan is island town, which located near with Sabah, Malaysia frontier. According to history, Tarakan have ever become location of venomous encounter at Second World War between Japan armies and Australian army. 235 Australian armies died at the encounter. Some houses in Tarakan still having stripper cannon rest of world war that put down in house yard as supply of garden and lawn. In Tarakan there is Australian army cenotaph in location, which is become a military complex. This cenotaph is built in memory of coping to die Australian army to free Tarakan from Japan occupying. In other location there is Japan grave residing in ex Japan bunker in hilly area. This tourism object in Tarakan for example Amal Beach is a parting 11 Km from the downtown. This beach has coconut panorama to wave with beautiful panorama. About 4 Km from the downtown, in Masjid Markoni Street Gang III there is 'Tugu Perabuan Jepang' that built in 1933. This monument is square equipped with article Kanji and is place of obsequies the dying Japanese corpse
Sangata Regency
Around Sangata, which is the capital of Kutai Timur regency there are a number of interesting tourism objects to be visited for example Lombok Bay Beach and Perancis Bay. Both of this locations are located not far from Sangata city and reachable using line earned, fringe the beach about 15 Km from the city. Birah-birahan Island is located in Sangkulirang District. This island is reachable using motor ship quickly from Sangata or Benua Baru, Sangkulirang. Besides have its sea panoramic scenery, this island also, has beauty of under sea like Marine Park with variety of beautiful sea rock and decorative fish multifarious. Pangadan Cave located in Pangandaan village, about Sangkulirang - Muara Wahau roadway, its about 20 Km from Sangata city and can be gone through with vehicle. The fascination of his tourism object is cave hole that is long enough and in it there is stalactite and stalagmite that formed from nature process during hundreds of year. Some form of stalactite - stalagmite for example is in lemonade straw form, mug, crystal glowed, transparent plate and chicken spur form. Besides, in this location there is also source of temperature wellspring. 'Long Segar' and 'Long Noran' is two rich villages fascination of art would be cultural and crafting like weapon Mandau, traditional statue and house is decorative wedding-bed. Both of this neighbor villages have admission in Muara Wahau district and located in Wahau riverbank. To visit this place is reachable with river ship from Samarinda fringe Wahau River. (Courtesy By Indonesia-Tourism)